Here’s the update from from last night on the arena’s bill through Tuesday night, July 7.
Click here for Wednesday night, July 8’s update.
There’s no doubt that this has been a huge week for the Bucks arena. From our sources on Twitter, local politicians have been raving about all of the calls for support they have been getting throughout the week. If you need to find your Senator’s number, go to and then “Find My Legislators.” Here are some of the developments from today.
As you will see below, today was big because Senator Lena Taylor (Democrat – Milwaukee) told constituents today that she will support the arena and wants to keep the Bucks in Milwaukee, which is HUGE because we need the Milwaukee leadership on board and other Senators take the weight of her vote very seriously. BUT, she does not like the bill in its current form and says it “must change.” We need to continue to call her, Senator Tim Carpenter, and Senator Leah Vukmir to show our support.
Also, Marquette University sent out an email to basketball fans updating them on the situation. Here’s an excerpt from the email, “As we look ahead, we are continuing to work closely with Bucks leadership and other key constituents to forge a public-private partnership so we can get this done, but we need your help.” There was then a link given from student government on students’ opinions on the arena.
The State Senate approved the budget last night. After the vote, they went home, meaning that there will be no voting on the Bucks arena deal this week, but Senate Majority leader Fitzgerald told the Senators to have their schedules open for a special session next week if it comes about.
In order for this bill to pass, 17 out of the 33 State Senators must vote YES, then it will need to get majority in the State Assembly, and then Governor Scott Walker will have it on his desk to sign. Still, there is no date set for voting. All we can do is continue to call and voice our support, which has been doing wonders. You can also write articles for people to share, such as this one from Andy Tarnoff or this one from yours truly.
If you have any other updates or information for us, please email me at
Want more on the Bucks Arena? Listen to Mark Belling from Wednesday, who is a Bucks season ticket holder. Even if you don’t like his political views, this was very good.
The Voting “Scoreboard”
According to and various Twitter accounts, there are 12 State Senators that have committed to the building of the arena via phone calls or public backing, and they are:
- Sen. Paul Farrow (Republican – Delafield)
- Sen. Alberta Darling (Republican – North Shore/Germantown)
- Sen. Duey Stroebel (Republican – Ozaukee/Washington County)
- Sen. Devin LaMahieu (Republican – Sheboygan)
- Sen. Van Wanggaard (Republican – Racine/Kenosha suburbs)
- Sen. Chris Larson (Democrat – Milwaukee Southside)
- Sen. Scott Fitzgerald (Republican – Juneau)
- Sen. Nikaya Harris Dodd (Democrat – Milwaukee)
- Sen. Rick Gudex (Republican – Fond Du Lac)
- Sen. Tom Tiffany (Republican – Hazelhurts)
- Sen. Terry Moulton (Republican – Chippewa Falls)
- Sen. Roger Roth (Republican – Appleton)
There are 16 State Senators that are undecided, but almost all of them have stated that constituent calls will influence their vote:
- Sen. Frank Lasee (Republican – Door County/Green Bay)
- Sen. Jon Erpenbach (Democrat – Madison)
- Sen. Fred Risser (Democrat – Madison)
- Sen. Mary Lazich (Republican – New Berlin)
- Sen. Leah Vukmir (Republican – Wauwatosa/Brookfield)*
- Sen. Tim Carpenter (Democrat – Milwaukee)*
- Sen. Janis Ringhand (Democrat – Evansville)
- Sen. Janet Bewley (Democrat – Ashland)
- Sen. Sheila Harsdorf (Republican – River Falls)
- Sen. Julie Lassa (Democrat – Stevens Point)
- Sen. Howard Marklein (Republican – Spring Green)
- Sen. Luther Olsen (Republican – Ripon)
- Sen. Jerry Petrowski (Republican – Marathon)
- Sen. Jen Shilling (Democrat – LaCrosse)
- Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (Democrat – Alma)
- Sen. Lena Taylor (Democrat – Milwaukee)*
The following 5 State Senators have stated already they are AGAINST the bill:
- Sen. Rob Cowles (Republican – Green Bay)
- Sen. Mark Miller (Democrat – Madison)
- Sen. Steve Nass (Republican – Nashotah)
- Sen. Dave Hansen (Democrat – Green Bay)
- Sen. Bob Wirch (Democrat – Racine/Kenosha)
Special thank you to and Paul Henning for their work, and Border Banter for the images.