Sconnie Sports Talk

Jim Paschke to Speak at Next SST Event on September 30


Sconnie Sports Talk, our UW-Madison student organization, held our first event of the semester featuring guest speaker Mike Heller on September 17.

We’re more than happy to announce that our second event of the semester will be with guest speaker Jim Paschke on Wednesday, September 30, from 7:00-8:00 PM. The Milwaukee Bucks’ main television play-by-play man has been with the Bucks for the past 29 years. He will be speaking about the TV side of sports media, and will be in Madison all week for the Bucks’ training camp.

To RSVP and claim your spot, please click attending on the Facebook event here:

The event will take place in The Red Gym in the Masley Media Room on the first floor. We look forward to seeing you there.

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